Why 2017 is the time to re-evaluate your workplace | Weekly Reads

For 2017, I set myself a Goodreads reading challenge: my goal is to read 30 books this year. After a disastrous reading year in 2016, in which I read only 15 books, I decided it was time to get back to my regular reading of an average of 30-40 books a year (and if you were reading this blog in 2014, you might remember that I surpassed my Goodreads challenge of 52 books!). Reading has always been my favourite hobby and I’m no way letting it go, even when adult life will get busier!

However, as I did mention in a whole post last year, it doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped reading. In fact, I’ve been reading more than ever, digesting news on Pocket and my favourite blogs. Recently, my Twitter has become a freaking ‘news’ feed, literally. I’ve been spamming it with articles and videos I find interesting.

Therefore, I’ve decided to renew a very old ‘trend’ of mine on this blog: previously called Sites of the Month, I used to collect my favourite links/articles of the month and post it up for you guys to read as well. This time, I’m calling it Weekly Reads because, you guessed it, it’s going to be a weekly thing, every Sunday. Because I read too much in a week anyway.

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