Writing Hacks: Why You Need Grammarly To Ace Your Assignments

As you might know, I’ve enrolled in a writing course this semester… and I’ve not regretted this decision at all. It made me learn so much about my own creative self and pretty much revived my inner child. Now that it’s over, all I’ve left to do is to wait for the final grade.

Okay, so let me tell you a few things about being graded on a piece of fiction you’ve written. At first glance, it sounds like a very subjective process, which could make it unfair because we all wouldn’t have the same preferences as our teacher, but in reality, there is always a marking scheme for every type of assignment out there, at my university at least.

In the end, the actual creative story only comprises around 20-30% of the total grade.

But can you guess what else makes up 20% of the grade? Yes. Grammar and spelling. 

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How To Write A Research Paper [Guest Post]

A Step by Step Guide in Writing a Research Paper

 write research paper clipart

Over the decade of school, we have all probably written numerous research papers, probably most of it during our high school and college years. It probably came to a point where you’ve written so many research papers that it has become a second nature for you already. But not everyone has the privilege to have the basic knowledge in how to write a research paper like other people. But for those who still need help, here is a basic step by step process on how to write a research paper that may help out a whole lot.

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12 Tips for Proofreading and Editing Your Own Work! [Guest Post]

Our brains have the tendency to mess with us. How? Well, when we are proofreading any written work that we have done, we are likely to read the words in the way that we believe they should be written. This means that we are prone to misjudging our written work by missing typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors – including punctuation, poor choice of words and wrong sentence structures. This in turn impacts the context of the work as well as the readability.


As proofreading and editing is extremely time consuming, it is unlikely that friends and family will want to spend any of their spare time doing it. Also, hiring someone to proofread and edit can be quite expensive. Therefore, it is great to learn how to help ourselves. Continue reading to discover 12 great tips on how you can proofread and edit your own work, to a high standard.

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Exercise: Improving Your Writing Skills [Guest Post]

Writing is a difficult and necessary task of life, no matter what your job is, you will have to do some writing at some point. Even before you get to the technical details, writing is hard enough.


Like most things, writing seems a lot less difficult if you have an idea of how to do it. This is easily done, with a workshop or a writing course. Like riding a bike, these are skills that you only need to learn once, and then get used to implementing. Most professional copywriting companies like Gaps Writing offer offers courses on how to write well, and what constitutes good writing. If you are a business owner or manager, it is particularly important.

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Masterpiece from Hate. Use your negative emotions for writing. [Guest Post]

Creating By Channeling Your Negative Emotions


This article serves the purpose of helping people take their negative emotions and channel them into something useful and positive. Dealing with stress and anxiety can affect one’s mental health, so dealing with it in a healthy manner can reduce the intensity of these emotions over time. Consider using creative methods to deal with these emotions so that you can get on with your life and stop wasting time wallowing in these pessimistic feelings.


hateWith all the expectations placed on us each and every day, it’s no wonder that the average level of stress experienced by people is increasing each year. There are different ways of coping with stress, such as exercise or doing yoga. However, have you ever considered channeling all of the stress and negative emotions associated with it towards something productive?

You would never think that you could get results out of using your negative emotions for something. Usually, people are trying to get rid of or ignore their negative emotions so that they can get on with their work. However, if you’re creative, you could produce something interesting out of what’s causing you to worry, such as writing. Some of the best writings come out of the most intense emotions ever experienced, and worry is one of them.

Here are some tips to keep in mind if you’re ever considering venting your troubles in this way.

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Guest Post: 10 Ways to Write with Distractions

Ah! Those annoying phone calls! Those text messages! Those email alerts and Facebook updates and Tweets! Not to mention the coworkers, the kids outside, the sirens and the construction! How can a writer ever concentrate long enough in all this hullaballoo to get anything written? How do you continue a thought when you have so many interruptions and distractions all around you? Well, here are some tips that might help you out:

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How To Keep On Writing In Times Of Crisis

This post is a response to a question that my friend Janice, blogger of Your Daily Dose (I’m sure you’ve heard about her great inspiring posts ;D) asked me in a comment reply:

How do you keep motivated to write when you get to that point where it just seems too overwhelming to keep going??

What happens when life takes over writing? What happens when we are at the point of giving up? I am sure that many of you are at this point if you are doing NaNoWriMo. I was a few days ago, until I could finally catch up on my wordcount.

How does that happen? Catching up? Getting to write as fiercely as before?

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Where To Find Inspiration?

With the final end of year exams approaching like a hare in a race, I feel more and more overwhelmed and at times it’s hard for me to find ideas for new posts, but thankfully, I have my ways.

Any type of artists, whether be a writer, a painter, a photographer or even a blogger, has had to face this handicap at one point in their path: block. Writer’s block, painter’s block… The lack of inspiration.

I’ve been talking about this in some previous posts, but they were especially directed to NaNoWriMo participants or writers only, if I remember well, thus I talked about taking a break from the story, setting goals everyday, and participating in challenges like NaNoWriMo to stimulate the desire for writing.

Today I’m going to focus on art in general and I’ll show you my tips to find inspiration again.

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My 2 Recommended Pills For Writer’s Block

So Camp NaNoWrimo is soon coming to an end, if you’ve been participating, we’re already in the last week of writing 50,000 words! I’m sorry that I did not really talk about my NaNo plans and all that, compared to last year’s NaNoWriMo, but let’s say that I got a great start, but since school started it’s been harder to keep up. I’ve got better statistics than last year though, so it’s all right 🙂

Because my life is all about writing for the time being, today I’m going to give you two tips, I think I’ll be short as I have to get to writing (lol), that is efficient for me when I get the syndrome of the Writer’s Block.

Credits to Google Images

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1st July: Why It Is An Important Date…

The 1st of July: another morning, another day that I have to face, with mingled and shaken hopes, dreams, fears…

Well it’s like any other day. Except that this date has been holding many important events in my life. It’s a special date, that many have too I hope, which isn’t my birthday, but has been a boundary that I successfully crossed… in 2007…

1st July: Why It Is An Important Date…

1. It is my Diary’s birthday!!! 🙂

Am I hearing: “Duhh so what?”? Well I’m not really talking about this kind of diary:

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When I don’t Write, I Draw :)

It’s heartbreaking to turn over the last page of a very dear writing/ideas copybook… and realise that you have so much to tell, to note down, yet there is no more space.

Yes, my two favourite writing copybooks (where I write snippets of stories and jot down ideas of plots, etc) got used up, and now I’ll have to buy others. 😦

Remember THIS POST?

All right I have another idea copybook but I don’t really like to write in this one. You see, most of these copybooks have been offered to me as gifts, thus I didn’t choose them… so it’s no surprise if some just don’t fit my taste 😛

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Writers: Let’s Go Fishing! [My Writing Epiphany]

I’ve mentioned something on facebook/twitter about a sudden epiphany on fiction writing of mine, if you noticed… and this is what I’m going to reveal today with this post.

Since NaNoWriMo in November I became deeply passionate about writing. I started to follow people like Rachelle Gardner, The Creative Penn, Larry Brooks and so on. I have been writing and reading and writing again… Yet the lessons I’ve learnt (especially the very effective ones of Larry Brooks on his website storyfix.com) didn’t fully flowed from my brain to my hands and fingers. I felt I was missing something, something I couldn’t grasp yet. Of course it takes time to completely understand something you are taught. It’s totally normal.

Since NaNoWriMo I’ve learnt so much that now when I read a book, I open my eyes… I just read differently. And after a week of writing, writing and writing, one of my friends lend me a book that I’d surely like, so she said, and it’s called The Mortal Intruments (book one): City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.

If you haven’t read it, you totally should, especially if you are an aspiring writer.

When I started to read it I automatically thought of another author Melissa Marr and her Wicked Lovely book series. It meant that even though I was going to like the book, my #1 favourite will still remain The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. 😛 (there’s no better book than this one I guarantee!)

So I read and read and turned the pages…

Continue reading “Writers: Let’s Go Fishing! [My Writing Epiphany]”

Sometimes A Break Is All We Need

Writing is fun.

In fact, many things are considered to be fun.

At least, until someone comes in and tries to direct what we do.

What I mean is, yes if we want to publish a novel one day, we have to make an effort and write regularly. To love writing is to have fun everyday when we write, right? But in the long run, the fingers get tired, the brain gets fed up of the same story. Is this normal? Is writing really for me, you might ask yourselves?

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