10 Ways To Get Over… Just Anything At All!

Are you having a bad day?

Did you just break up?

Did you just realise that your crush and you are never going to be?

Did you spend hours on the same piece of art or writing, painting or drawing or typing or scribbling over and over again without getting the result you wanted?

Are you frustrated with life right now?

I know exactly how you feel, and that’s why I’ve been trying to find ways to cheer me up and one of the ways was to make this video for you! 🙂 Here:

Hope you liked my 10 ways to get over anything at all, and had a good laugh, because the real point of all these crazy things I dared to do in front of a camera is to make you have a good time for a few minutes, so that you’ll stop thinking or overthinking about your problems.

But eventually you have to go back to them. Well doesn’t matter, you’ve been entertained, and hopefully now you are more relaxed and alert to start working again and deliver good work or mainly start living again and deliver positive vibes all around you! 🙂 Believe me, people need these vibes as much as you.

Any more tips you’d like to share on how to get over it? It like anything at all? Comment below!

An Evil Nymph.

Seven Ways In Which You Can Save Cash To Get That Tattoo! [Guest Post]

Getting a tattoo can be a very exciting experience. You may wish to get one to remember someone special in your life or just a special moment in your lifetime. One of the hard parts of getting a tattoo is getting the money together. Some tattoos can cost a pretty penny to have done. The more elaborate and detailed, the more expensive it will be. Whether you get a Kits de Tatuaje or you stop by your local shop, here are seven ways you can save money for your next tattoo adventure.


Continue reading “Seven Ways In Which You Can Save Cash To Get That Tattoo! [Guest Post]”

How To Be Distracted From Love.

You can’t.


Let’s face the truth: there is no escape, no short-cut. When Love gets to us, we are trapped… forever. Trapped in a vicious circle of loving blindly, getting hurt, moving on… well you thought you moved on, and then, you fall in love again only to get hurt again. Until you find the One. If you ever do.

Isn’t that sad.

Continue reading “How To Be Distracted From Love.”

Guest Post: Ways To Boost The Morale Of Your Physically Challenged Teen

Hey everyone! Since Chinese New Year, I’ve been so busy and now I have to catch up with work at school and so on, I’ve been overwhelmed by struggling to find my career path, well what I want to do in university next year, a lot of confusion and decisions to make… thus that’s why I seemed rather absent in the blogosphere. Moreover I’ve had some problems with the internet lately…

Thus, the blogging schedule is going to be a little distorted this week, (from last week in fact, since I made no ‘Weekly Photo Challenge’ post), but soon I’ll hopefully get back to my usual blogging pace. For today, here’s a little yet very instructive guest post by Jack Holland:


Ways To Boost The Morale Of Your Physically Challenged Teen


boost disabled teens


Being born with a physical disability like cerebral palsy, spina bifida or any of a host of others can be trying on any child. On teens— with the media, peer pressure, and the desire to fit in—it can be much worse.

Continue reading “Guest Post: Ways To Boost The Morale Of Your Physically Challenged Teen”

Guest Post: Top 3 Recreational Activities for Troubled Teens

The adolescent years can be quite turbulent for young people, as they face a new set of physical and emotional challenges. Even teens that live in a stable home environment have a difficult time when they reach their teens. The situation can escalate when both parents work full time and have little time to spend with their troubled teens.

troubled teen

Many parents of troubled teens resort to boarding schools as the solution to helping their young people overcome “teen problems.” Although boarding schools are not miracle cures, they do offer a solid structure that includes academic education, vocational training, outdoor activities, etc. that can keep teens busy and challenged. The following recreational activities are but a few that can help relieve some of the tension and stress that teens go through at this time of their lives.

Continue reading “Guest Post: Top 3 Recreational Activities for Troubled Teens”

Guest Post: 10 Ways to Write with Distractions

Ah! Those annoying phone calls! Those text messages! Those email alerts and Facebook updates and Tweets! Not to mention the coworkers, the kids outside, the sirens and the construction! How can a writer ever concentrate long enough in all this hullaballoo to get anything written? How do you continue a thought when you have so many interruptions and distractions all around you? Well, here are some tips that might help you out:

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Guest Post: Three Steps to Step Up Your Digital Photo Game

By Brian Dilg, Chair Photography School at New York Film Academy

We are all photographers now. Within a world that is increasingly visual, when every person has a pocket holding a camera that happens to also be a phone, we are all just ten seconds or less away from being our own version of paparazzi. And we tend to think this is all quite normal, don’t we?

Because it is – normal, that is. But let’s imagine you want your photos to be more than normal. How do you shoot pictures, even with a simple smart phone, that are extraordinary?

If that is you, I suggest first that you think about what kind of photographer you would like to be. Some say it is about being a silent and objective observer – unobtrusively recording whatever it is that is going on at the moment. This is when you are a photojournalist, which plays an important role in how we perceive the world around us. The most talented photojournalists can recognize visual news, which might be the significance of a melting glacier, the smile on the face of an old woman or the drama of a child running out of a burning building. Your ability to capture those things requires command of your camera as well as being in the right place at the right time – and ready to shoot.

A professional photographer quite often gets much more involved in constructing the shot and using the technology of the camera to accomplish certain things. Let’s break that down into three pieces, things that even an amateur photographer could learn (learn, perhaps, as they are looking at photography schools as a possible educational pursuit):

Continue reading “Guest Post: Three Steps to Step Up Your Digital Photo Game”

5 EFFECTIVE Things To Do When You’re Upset

Often when I’m depressed/upset and don’t know what to do, I opened my Google Chrome browser and search for ‘things to do when you’re upset’ on Google. Much to my disappointment the lists given weren’t that useful as they mostly tackled the long-term depression period, while I’m just searching for some things to do NOW, stuck at home, to cheer me up. Also, there is no particular order in these list, except that maybe some of them start with the most effective one: help someone.

Sincerely, I think it’s ridiculous to place it on top of the list. Of course, helping others enables us to think of something else except our worries, yet as I said, it’s long-term – it needs preparation, planning, thinking… Well, all the things I don’t want to do instantly when I’m depressed. I have to calm down my depression first.

But how?

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Guest Post: Different Ways for Teens to Earn Extra Money

Now that summer is here and classes are over you probably have a lot of extra free time to play around with. And while hanging out with friends and goofing off is always the most pleasurable way to spend time, it’s not always the most financially friendly, especially if you have no means of an income. And even if you do have a job and you’re just looking for some easy ways to make extra money to help fund your summer plans, these ideas will help you do just that:


1.      Sell old clothes to a resale shop – Instead of hanging on to clothes you never wear or tossing them into a garage sale pile where they’ll sell for a quarter a piece, take them to a local resale shop and sell them there. Some resale shops pay you up front and some pay you as your items sell, but either way you’ll end up with some extra spending money.


Continue reading “Guest Post: Different Ways for Teens to Earn Extra Money”

Guest Post: How To Be A Safe and Smart Social Networker

How To Be A Safe and Smart Social Networker

How cool is it that we can at a click of a mouse or the press of a “send” key be in touch with people thousands of miles away from us, in different time zones or communicate with our best friends and families in an instant? Well, you might argue it isn’t THAT cool in relation to your family, but whatever…we can!

mouse of a computer

Things like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Skype and MSN/Yahoo Messenger provide us with a quick way of getting information out there, of talking to and interacting with people we know and for that matter people we don’t know too. All this is incredibly awesome, but not without its drawbacks. Here is a savvy guide to being a safe, smart social networker that lets you be able to have fun, but make sure you’re protected.

Continue reading “Guest Post: How To Be A Safe and Smart Social Networker”

Water is the Remedy of All…

As any other children in a family, I go to seek advice from my parents (especially my father) when I’m not feeling good.


“Dad, my stomach hurts.”

“Drink some water and it’ll go away.”


“Dad, I have a headache.”

“Go and drink a glass of water.”


“Dad, I’m feeling nauseous.”

“Drink some water.”


“Dad, I’m sick!”

“Drink water.”


love water

Continue reading “Water is the Remedy of All…”

5 Tips to Make Your Website Appear Professional

Another blogging tip for you today! Especially for those who intend to blog or create a website dedicated for real business you know… like ProBlogger.com, About.com…

So you’ve decided to make your living out of a website? These are 5 main things I noticed with professional blogs, company blogs… and you should abide by them to be successful:

1. Keep It Simple

The design should not be extravagant. Professional can mean simple too. Don’t you notice how most of the well-known website have a white background? Your blog should not be too colourful. I’d advise you to choose a neutral colour ranging from white to black. I won’t really recommend black though… I prefer to read black on white than white on black. (Why do you think they changed blackboards to whiteboards?) If you insist on the black you can add some colour but not too much, not too complex. An example of black background but still professional: www.makeupgeek.com.

The font should be simple too. Use Verdana or other similar to that font. It is much easier to read. After all when readers get their first impression of your website (which is always visual) they should be attracted to what is being written and not be distracted by your funky designs… What you communicate through your blog is the most important! About.com is a very good example of all I’ve said so far.

2. Original Banner

Your design might be simple… but it must also be unique. It must be made by you – or your partner or any friend… Your banner, your badge should not be a picture from google. This can follow your imagination. The banner is different from your blog design. A banner can be exaggerated but depending on the subject you’re specialising into, it must perfectly fit in!

3. Advertising but not too much

When I enter a website I don’t like to see lots of advertising popping out of nowhere or preventing me from reading your stuff. I then have to search where the article begins and this is annoying. I feel lost. Therefore most of the time I just go back to google to search for another  “clean” and informative blog.

Of course, you can advertise YOUR blog on search engines, etc as much as you want. Just don’t put in lots of other advertisings in your website itself.

4. The Contact Info Tab

The reader should find it easy to contact you. A tab or notice at the end of each post or page is recommended. Be easily accessible especially if your website involves a company, jobs, services…

5. About YOU

The reader would like to know more about you before contacting you. He wants opinions, an overview on your potential. An About me/us page is crucial! And also: the article should be written IN THE 3rd PERSON! What I mean is instead of writing: “Hi my name is Daphnee (SURNAME), a professional makeup artist. I mainly work in bridal looks…” you should write: “Daphnee (SURNAME) is a professional makeup artist. Her career has mainly been devoted to bridal looks…”

Got it right? You are now ready to start your business! Good luck! 🙂

PS: Don’t mistake my blog for an example because this is NOT a professional blog! 😉

Blogging Yours,

An Evil Nymph.

“How to ask my mom for makeup??”

Alright that’s not a question I’m asking myself because well I didn’t even have to ask my mom really if I could wear makeup… no monopoly at home! lol!

Well I was surfing on Yahoo! Answers for a while 🙂 and I found this nice, usual question – yes indeed I guess every girl feels a little scared when they want to wear makeup for the first time, apprehending parents’ reactions… – and I read the answers… There was one answer which caught my eyes and it’s so fun that I decided to share it here with you guys!

The answer:

Just Tell Her That Would It Be Okay If You Wore Some Make-Up For Your 16th Birthday Party.If She Says Yes,Sure, That’s Fine,- Then You Can Go And Buy All The Make Up You’ve Dreamed Of.

If She Says What Did You Have In Mind – Limit It To Mineral Powder or Foundation or Concealer , Eyeliner, And Mascara.

If She Looks At You And Raises An Eyebrow – Say That You Are Only Going To Wear It On The Party And That Now You Are Sixteen You Think Your Old Enough To Wear It Reasonably, Properly, And Age Appropriately.

If She Says You Are Too Young – Tell Her That Other Girls That Are Your Age And Under Wear It And That You Are Only Gonna Wear a Little And Only On That Day.

If She Says No – Go The Full 120 Miles, With Puppy Dog Eyes And The Pretty Pretty Pleases And Give Her a Whole Speech On How Make-Up Seems To Give Other Girls Confidence You Don’t Have Blah, Blah, That You Obviously Wanna Be The Prettiest Girl At The Party Blah, Blah.


Years Of Monitoring A Mothers Reactions
Awesome answer right?? 😀
To view the full question and answers on Yahoo! Answers click here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110901103912AAK9XDX