Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

escape with nature in sky and mountains


This week’s photo challenge theme is escape, which is a word that can strike every one of us in various different ways, in terms of feelings, images…

At first, for the challenge, I wanted to photograph something liquid that would flow out of frame, as if it was being set free, escaping… It could have been water or paints (since I have a lot of these these days). But I finally decided to use the above photo, which was one of the many photos that I took during my trip in Malaysia last year (for those who remember!) and which I took from a temple near Genting Islands if I remember well. It was so cold since we were very high in altitude.

But the feeling of being at the top was awesome!

What I especially like about this photo is that you can perceive two flying birds in the sky, and I’ve been loving birds for a while now ;). Also, the clouds or mist just adds to the feeling of being set free, up in the sky, over the mountains and even over the clouds…

It was just an epic moment; a beautiful viewpoint!

Wish I was a bird too, to escape…

Escape from routine life, escape from sadness, escape from imprisonment – being doomed to remain stuck on the solid ground… and in my case, at school 😛 – escape from cruelty, hypocrisy…

And I believe that nature is Our Mother, who will always open her arms for us whenever we need them. She is always ready to comfort us… and soothe us with her beauty and songs.

So, it’s been a little more than 1 year that I went to Malaysia for holidays, and I wish to escape again later, maybe on my own since I’m 18 now, and bring back even more inspiring memories and photos to share 🙂 Travelling around the world is just one of my biggest dreams, because, as my 3 birds tattoo shows off, I am born to fly, to be set free, to discover…

To escape.


Any other personal opinion/interpretation of ‘escape’? I’d love to read yours!

An Evil Nymph.

19 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

  1. I like: “…Escape from routine life,
    escape from sadness,
    escape from imprisonment –
    being doomed to remain
    stuck on the solid ground…
    and in my case, at school…”

  2. Concur with Frizz ” I like: “…

    Escape from routine life,
    escape from sadness,
    escape from imprisonment ”


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