Happy New Year of the Goat!

OMG I haven’t posted on this blog for so long!

And I have so much I want to share.

But first…


goddess of mercy templeGoddess of Mercy temple in Georgetown, Penang

I actually just came from a backpacking trip in Penang, while recently falling in love with Japanese food and culture, and I’m now in full Chinese New Year mode since I arrived home in Selangor yesterday. Then, today, for the big day I kind of continued my backpacker experience by going to the heart of Kuala Lumpur to watch acrobatic lion dances from mall to mall.


KLCC Esplanade


Pavilion KL

Now, I get to have some rest!

Posts about everything will be up soon.

Enjoy the new year!

An Evil Nymph.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Culture

I wasn’t sure which photos to post for this week’s challenge, which is Culture, since there has been nothing in my life that has been photographically culturally interesting… (lol) but, browsing through this year’s photos, I found these:

chinese dragon dance


Continue reading “Weekly Photo Challenge: Culture”

Happy Chinese New Year! 恭禧发财!

新年快乐! Happy new year! A Chinese year has passed already, the year of the Dragon is over and a new one, the year of the Snake, is starting!

chinese new year of the snake 2013

I’m doing a Sunday post, I know, but this is to let you know that I won’t be at home on Monday and Tuesday, since from today I am going to celebrate the new year in a hotel! As the tradition wishes it to. Well, the Chinese-Mauritians’ tradition, hehe.

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This Is Halloween! [or The Happy Nightmare Before Christmas]

Although here in Mauritius we don’t officially celebrate Halloween, or Samhain’s Eve, whatever you call it, many of us, especially teenagers, always find a way to make this 31 October a special day, even despite having exams on the next day.

Yes, many of us were just stuck at home with revision work… but fortunately? I had tuition in the afternoon. This is when my friends and I decided to wear orange and black and cry out ‘TRICK OR TREAT’ when the teacher would come into class.

Doesn’t mean that we got sweets in the end.

But it was just so fun.

Continue reading “This Is Halloween! [or The Happy Nightmare Before Christmas]”

Spring in; It’s Brigid’s Day today!

Hey guys, I wanted to post earlier but I was bothered by the exams results and school and all…

Anyway today is my favourite Wiccan festival – excluding Samhain and Beltane which are the two main sabbats of Wicca – which represents the beginning of spring: Imbolc or (what I like to call it best…) Brigid’s day.

After the coldness of winter, spring at last begins to show its colourful flowers and green leaves… The sleep is over and a new season of growth and beauty has sprung up.

brigid's traditional cross

This is a fun craft to do on this special day which is Brigid’s cross. I did one last year with multicolour straws and I kept it for this year:

Continue reading “Spring in; It’s Brigid’s Day today!”

Christmas’s Ancestor: Yule

Today many Wiccans in the world are celebrating the winter solstice, also know as Yule. I’m not much of a practitioner myself because my family is strongly Catholic (not that they are narrow-minded but well… they somewhat know that I’m interested in Wicca anyway) but I love Wicca traditions and I always wear my purple pentacle during those seasonal festivals. Sometimes I find the time and opportunity to light a candle or incense for the goddess or use runes and symbols especially for healing and protection…

Wicca is simply everywhere.

Today it’s been raining cats and dogs though we had 100% sunshine during the whole week… and I’d like to thank the Goddess for that because my country has been lacking fresh water and we were in a period of drought.

drops of rain on the window glass

Continue reading “Christmas’s Ancestor: Yule”

Halloween Plans? Need some Advice!

We’re in October and in a few weeks my favourite festival of all time will be occuring: Halloween or Samhain’s Eve!

halloween pumpkins

Without beating about the bush, let me tell you the problem: here, we never celebrate Halloween. It’s just not part of our cultures as in Mauritius we are most of the Asian origins. In addition to that, on Monday I started my O-level exams and that’s why I might not be posting much (I’m soo sorry for that!) and I will be taking part in these international exams until November 15 (arg!!). The horrible thing is that on October 31 I will have to sit at examinations!!!
Continue reading “Halloween Plans? Need some Advice!”

It’s Mabon! Time to bond with nature!

The Wiccan festivals have a gap of 6 weeks between each of the 8 ones. Six weeks ago, on Lughnasadh I signed up into WordPress. So as today is Mabon, the festival of the Autumn equinox, it has been six weeks since I joined the WordPress blogging community. Wow. So much has happened since! 🙂

To all my readers therefore I wish you a Merry Mabon! Whatever be your religion… as here we are united by the passion of writing and expressing ourselves, not by anything else.

autumn equinox pentacle wicca

Continue reading “It’s Mabon! Time to bond with nature!”

Happy Chinese Moon Festival!

Hey! Just went back from a traditional family dinner we have every year, small dinner at my grandma’s, where we celebrated the day when the moon is closest to the Earth and is completely full.

moon purple planet painting digital

Moon Digital Painting by me 🙂 http://daphyin.deviantart.com


I don’t really know what the custom is in China, but here in my family, here’s what we do:

First we eat dinner… of course! lol! a rich dinner and great wine (yeah! my uncle really knows how to choose the best). We have to wait for the moon to appear, because it’s often cloudy. Meanwhile the parents have to light up the red chinese candles… in front of the window which opens up to a direct and clear view of the moon. We place three plates with moon cakes and three glasses of chinese tea next to the candles. It is believed that there are 3 Gods coming and therefore are eating and drinking these while we light up the candles. We pray to them.

Unfortunately we don’t usually take photos so I can’t really show you what happened… anyway I really love this festival. It’s so simple, it’s only among us, small family group…

So we wait for the candles to melt half of their heights – time when the gods are accepting our gifts, and believe me Chinese Gods love to eat! xP – before we open the window to start some sort of ‘ritual’: we have to give money to the gods.

The ‘money’ is some special yellow red papers we just burn then throw outside. My father is ready to splash water in case an accident happens… that’s so funny! The children always rush to watch and want to burn too, but it’s too dangerous.

What’s always stunning and fun is that every year, the sky is cloudy and every year the moment we light our first paper ‘money’ to give to the gods… the moon just shows up! Just like that! Due to superstitions we enjoy ourselves saying that we have to burn everything before it hides behind the clouds again.

Ritual is now almost done and the final stage is very easy: we do what Chinese people always love to do: EAT. 😀

Yeps we eat moon cakes! If ever you’re wondering how are these fascinating moon cakes I quickly took some photos at home for you:

chinese moon cakes

It’s not necessarily in such a beautiful box… usually they’re placed separately in small plastic bags but this box is so beautiful that I had to share this with you 🙂

chinese moon cakes

See? Separate in plastic bags 😀

Anyway I feel so tired now… going to go to sleep! I drank Chinese tea but although it should make me stay awake it doesn’t work on me lol! just like coffee… to me they’re just some nice drinks 😛 Only fizzy drinks can make me stay awake! ^^

Write to you next time!

Your Chinese Evil Nymph.