I’ve Changed—Ever Since I Got Into Street Dance

In a nutshell, I’ve changed from this girl:


…to that girl:


I wouldn’t say that they are completely different from each other, but I would say that the transition from one to another made me rediscover who I really wanted to be, or how I really wanted to portray myself to the world.

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The End

This post comes a little late, but it was only after my last exams on the 24th June that it really hit me; that is, my first year in university.

The amazing but terrible thing about doing a Bachelor of Arts is that it is so flexible that almost no one undertakes the same unit sequence. In my case, no one else is majoring in psychology and in writing simultaneously.

First year was the year of getting familiar with the field of Arts therefore I studied a little bit of everything, from cold war politics to Game of Thrones analysis. I also met a lot of people but eventually only a few became what one could call my School of Arts gang. We met one another on the very first day of school and until the last day, on the 24th, when we had our last first year dinner…

Pizza!!! XD

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The Busy Life of An Evil Nymph

Hey guys!

I know, don’t throw tomatoes at me. I haven’t been blogging at all since this uni semester started. Ironically, today is the last day of my one-week mid-sem break and it is only today that I finally decided to write here again! Don’t worry I am not quitting blogging; it’s just that my schedule has become very… unstable.

I was going through my old notes last night and I saw this excerpt from one of my Instagram #100happydays challenge image caption that I had written offline because Instagram had shut down at that time:

Have some of us become so pathetic that they can’t live without social media? Are we that desperately dependent upon sharing on the net? Is this what’s truly life?

I suddenly am even more impatient to start university. Or else people will have to literally rip my face off the screen.

This was written about one year ago. Now here am I, neglecting all my online social networks, except for Instagram I’d say but Instagram has become more like a supplement to life, not a dominant platform, while I’m completely immersed in a busy real kind of a life.

Half a semester has passed already and I feel that I’ve done so much! That’s because I’m…

1. In the Performing Arts Club!

Especially as a committee member, I’ve a lot to do and tons to enjoy 🙂

General meeting on Mondays, committee meetings on Tuesday, after meeting dinners and paperwork: yes very busy, but at least in something I love!


Continue reading “The Busy Life of An Evil Nymph”

Why I Love Anime

I’ve never been a big fan of anime series and I can count on my fingers how many of them I’ve watched in my whole life so far. (Haha, being an Asian has led me not to be interested in Asian stuff.)

However, I have to say, I really really admire anime.

On the rare occasions that I do watch one, I go completely crazy over it.

yoshino And the reason this happens is that anime producers/writers/whatever are simply the greatest storytellers that ever existed.

Indeed, this is a writing-related post (hihi what could you expect from me) and the answer to the ‘why I love Anime’ is simply because of its storytelling.

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4 Reasons Why Contemporary Feminists Have To Watch ‘Once Upon A Time’

The fourth season of ABC’s television series, ‘Once Upon A Time’, is upon us. If you love modern adaptations of classic fairy tales, this is the cherry on the top of the cake. As you run through each episode, try to identify all of the children’s stories the producers integrated throughout the storyline: it makes a viewer’s experience more interesting. What is also appealing in the series is the contemporary, but somehow still ideal, approach towards gender and socio-cultural issues.

once upon a time frozen season 4

  1. Equal rights in a romantic relationship

Ever dreamt of living in a world where women are the ones to ask men for a date without the fear of being considered as ‘weird’ or of humiliating the male ego? Well, Emma Swan makes the first move to make this a reality by – finally – asking Killian (a.k.a. Captain Hook) out officially in the fourth season. An equal compromise was maintained when the latter offered to choose the restaurant. Moreover, they are business associates, looking after each other’s backs. Besides, the fact that Emma is the town sheriff, therefore the one with higher social power, does not seem to disturb the Captain, or anyone else in Storybrooke for that matter, which leads us to the next point…
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‘A Beautiful Mind’ Is Changing My Life

I have not even finished reading ‘A Beautiful Mind’, actually I am not even close to the middle of the story, but after I read the first few pages, I already knew that this book would have an impact one way or another upon me. In fact, as soon as I finished the prologue (yeah not even chapter one!) it was confirmed: the biography of the mathematical schizophrenic genius, John Nash, is going in my ‘books that changed my life’ list.

starbucks and a beautiful mind

I am taking this book everywhere I go. It’s always in my bag. One night, I even decided to go to Starbucks at 9 p.m. on the spur of the moment just to read it with a *Christmas edition* peppermint mocha 🙂

But I don’t want to finish it. I am taking all my time to read it, a few pages – okay I can’t help it, a few (fortunately short) chapters – at a time. That’s mainly because, since after I got this life-changing epiphany from the prologue, it seems like the book is making me feel more… alive. More passionate, more ambitious… It simply sprinkles more stars in my eyes…

Continue reading “‘A Beautiful Mind’ Is Changing My Life”

I Reached 50,000 Words!

This is a special post to announce that I’ve got past the 50k words mark in my novel-in-progress, a novel I’ve been writing since the beginning of the year – yeah if it was NaNoWriMo I would already be past 50k well before – as those who have been following my posts this year know.

And I didn’t realise that my previous post was actually my 400th! A neat number 🙂 This is the 401st one.

Back to the novel I’m writing, it’s actually a project I’ve challenged myself to complete before going to university in July, and being on the 50k words line, I’m halfway through! Wasn’t sure if I should write ‘only’ or ‘already’ 😉 I just feel that the story will evolve till past 100k words!

It’s urban fantasy, an idea, complex and continuously expanding, which was planted into my brain since I was 13 but which only became a story in 2012 for Camp NaNoWriMo in August and which I’ve been writing and re-writing since, never coming up with a completed story. Until now. Now I feel ready to finish that 3rd attempted first draft of this novel! I’m determined 🙂

If any of you want to know what this obsessive novel-in-progress of mine is basically all about, you can check out this short story I made based on it, for the Create A World Writing Contest by The Dark Globe which I actually won: CLICK HERE!

Anyway, thinking of novels… I made a book haul recently on my YouTube channel! Here it is:


Tell me anything in the comments! About writing, reading… whatever! Let’s chat 🙂

An Evil Nymph.

It’s Never Too Late… For A Selfie!

It’s never too late for a new blog post either!

For those of you who love to participate in the Weekly Photo Challenge as much as I do you may notice how the title relates to the fact that I haven’t been blogging for two weeks but I really want to remedy to that by still giving a shot at one of the challenges I missed which was ‘Selfie’.

1st take:

selfie with Teddy

You can actually find this photo on my Instagram. Follow me @dkwaye !

Continue reading “It’s Never Too Late… For A Selfie!”

Happy New Year 2014! New Year’s Resolutions and More…

Last year I mentioned that I wasn’t really into New Year’s resolutions, but I still gave myself three little goals to achieve, and today, I’m going to review it and see what happened.

The first one was to focus on writing. Then I elaborated: And I sincerely hope that in the end of 2013, I am left with at least one polished and completed novel, ready to be published.

That didn’t come true. Well except that instead of ending up with a novel, I ended up with a short script, which I am now writing into a novella.

That isn’t disappointing or surprising though, because I know that this year was a year full of school work, being my last year in secondary school.

And that’s how my second resolution had been to work hard at school, focus on my studies.

Which I hopefully did? I don’t know I am still waiting for the results!

Then the third and final goal I had set myself was to find where I stand. I quote: I want to finally find my whole identity. I want to know – no, to be sure of – where I’m going. Who am I? What’s my mission? 

Did I succeed this one? I don’t know. Maybe. Or maybe I still have yet to learn about myself. In any case, during the year there were a lot of confusion and ups and downs about my identity and plans for the future. Fortunately, today, I know exactly where I am going and I know myself better than a year ago.

I know what I have to do 😉

camera into mirror

(just throwing in a random recent photo so as to keep this post more interesting hehe)

Continue reading “Happy New Year 2014! New Year’s Resolutions and More…”

From Script To Novel Writing…

I absolutely have to update you about my writing life!!! Yes at last! 

While I was busy with exams and catching up with vlogging and blogging, especially the Weekly Photo Challenge, afterwards, I also had a lot going on with my pen and paper… well, mainly with my MS Word. And it’s only now that I finally pushed away my laziness to sit down and write a post about some serious business of mine: writing.

From the title of this post, you might have an idea of my writing projects. In fact, before my exams started I spent 2-3 consecutive days at writing a whole short film script. Like, non-stop. Except for sleep.

By the way some of you who liked my facebook page (An Evil Nymph) did see a status I posted at that time telling you about that little project. So, for you it’s not the big news yet 😉



Continue reading “From Script To Novel Writing…”

A 100 Thank You’s!

This is to tell you that… I reached a 100 subscribers on my YouTube vlogging channel!!! 😀 


I know it may not seem much to many people but for me it is a great deal. I’m really touched that a 100 of you have decided to stay by my side on my video blogging journey. And I hope to see more of you as I continue on my adventure!

And such a coincidence: I just did my channel trailer, which officially describes my channel… as a channel!

Here it is:

So… any comments? 🙂

Have a great weekend!

An Evil Nymph.

On Making The Right Decision

Today I dreamt I had to sit for an exams… although I felt in holidays… so I had to learn poems. Not exactly related to the subject of this post but… it was scary!

Well maybe it is slightly related as the ‘right decision’ for me at the moment is all about education! After all, I just finished my A-levels and now I have to decide which course I want to study and which university I’d like to apply to.


For an 18 year old like me, these decisions are scary… since they feel to be life changing! Especially that I know I’m so whimsical concerning my future! I’ve always had many dreams, including the one of becoming a bestselling author which never fades away…

Continue reading “On Making The Right Decision”

The Story Of My Very First Art Exhibition

Saturday 14th September 2013.

I was really nervous. Especially that they would not only be exhibiting my painting, but also my portfolio and the idea of so many people going through my drawings just freaked me out. I’m very sensible about my art and although I should think about that, I can’t help but wonder whether people like what they see or not.

At the CCEF, there are two categories of art courses: one is the adult one, from 14 years old and up, like the one I got myself into, and the second is for the smaller ones, the children one.

On the day of the exhibition, the works of the younger ones were hung on the wall outside in the common corridor while ours were waiting for us in the exhibition room.

The cocktail party wouldn’t begin before 16.30 but together with my parents I arrived at 16.20. I had more than enough time to admire the children’s drawings, all so filled with talent 🙂 The children’s group was already present and waiting as well, By 16.30 my friends came and soon the director of the Centre let us in the exhibition room. My friends and I waited a little, allowing the children to go first and finally went in…

panorama art exhibition

(I tried the panorama option, so as to get the whole room all together)

panorama art exhibition

And there they were, all of our works, paintings, on the walls, shining in artificial light.

Without wasting a single moment, parents and friends all urged us, the masters of our masterpieces to pose next to our work so that they would capture this moment with their cameras 😉 That moment was actually so funny because we were just… lost in all this jungle of people staring at our work, taking photos… taking space as well. And the room wasn’t that big. But we finally made it to get to the front:

Continue reading “The Story Of My Very First Art Exhibition”