Evil Pills: Should I Take Them Or Not?

Here’s this week’s Picture it & Write:

evil pills

“Take it. Take it!”

It sounded like a hiss, like the wind, but I knew that he had spoken. By he, I meant, the blue man. A hunchback, yet muscular, with a pretty face. Except maybe for the bushy eye lashes and the dark lips.

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Come To The Ocean Of Love…

Happy Labour Day everyone!

This week’s Picture it & Write comes a little earlier this week, because there’s going to be a surprise on Friday 😉 So stay tuned!

All right, so without delay, enjoy my contribution:

ocean of love

Come to the ocean of love… 

My ears sprang up; I put down my cup of tea and daily newspaper and reached out to the radio.

…seven seas…

I turned up the volume.

Come to the ocean of love…

Continue reading “Come To The Ocean Of Love…”

My Looking-Glass Self

I’m late again, sorry for that, but I’m rather busy in this beginning of the second term of the school year; anyway, here’s your awaited Picture it & Write for this week:

looking in the mirror


“Happy 18th birthday, Lena!”

Their enthusiastic voices still echoed in my head, although the party was over for more than two hours. If I closed my eyes I would see their faded grins and narrow eyes and high cheekbones… I would feel their hands on me, congratulating me, wishing me all the best things in the world.

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The Most Dangerous Thing About Love

Here’s this week’s Picture it & Write! I’m sorry I’m late!

locker schoolMaybe I was too late.

Maybe I had noticed it too late.

The most dangerous thing about love was that it could deprive you of all your senses, all except the one deep inside of you: that of your heart. When trapped within its unyielding grasp, it would hug you so hard that you would feel the loud drumming of that central organ of yours; it would suffocate you and hypnotize you…

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