I’ve recently become a big fan of LUNCH BREAK! Wong Fu Productions series on YouTube that they upload on their additional channel. What they do is they sit down and have lunch while conversing about a particular topic. The one I want to draw attention to is the one in which they discussed ‘DATING RED FLAGS’ (video at the end of the post!): basically, what they would consider to be a turn-off when dating someone.

I found the video pretty interesting as I was considering my own red flags in comparison and my opinions on theirs. To the point that, yes, I’ve decided to compile a few of their red flags and discuss about them each in this post!

Before I start with the list, I would like to clarify that I am indeed in a relationship right now and that these dating concerns have eventually consciously or unconsciously affected my decision to stick with him (it’s been 10 months now!).

Additionally, I have heard many definitions of ‘dating’ from a Western-Asian mixed culture, and the two main ones that stand out are i) dating is the stage before two people get into a relationship, and ii) dating is when you are in a relationship and seeing that person as your boyfriend/girlfriend. Whatever suits you. It doesn’t really matter in this post. The red flags apply either way to some extent.

Continue reading “Re: DATING RED FLAGS”

I Have No Online Life Anymore!

Okay, I have not been blogging for almost two months!

But I’m not dead. I’m still here!

I have also barely been on my Twitter and my YouTube. I kind of update my Instagram from time to time but it’s not like before anymore. My Facebook is the most active I believe because whatever happens in university is posted on Facebook.

And university life just took hold on me completely.

It’s not only about assignments and class tests and upcoming exams and putting my studies first, but also greatly about other activities I’ve been intensely involved with, like the Performing Arts club in school, and also travelling around, going to a music gig, tasting everything everywhere, hanging out with my new friends, dreaming about the opportunities here…

My life has never been so filled. Because for the first time ever since I discovered online communities in 2010, I’ve neglected this online life of mine, no, I’ve forgotten about it! That’s what being an international university student did to me. I have never felt more real and passionate; I have never felt so close to my dreams.

I feel so happy to be here.


I will be blogging from time to time to keep you updated 😛

About my YouTube channel though… I have no idea what it’s becoming XD

Anyway, have a great week everyone!

And don’t forget to LIVE!!!

An Evil Nymph.

My #100happydays Challenge… COMPLETED!

As most of you know I have been doing the 100happydays challenge on Instagram (@dkwaye) and last Tuesday… I COMPLETED IT! Why did it take me so long to tell you on this blog? Well, you know, schedules… and VLOG:

In which I explain everything about my experience with the challenge and in which I have been able to compile all the 100 photos for your visual pleasure! 🙂

But if you want to see all the images at your own pace, there’s always my instagram 😉

Cheers and stay positive!

An Evil Nymph.

I Reached 50,000 Words!

This is a special post to announce that I’ve got past the 50k words mark in my novel-in-progress, a novel I’ve been writing since the beginning of the year – yeah if it was NaNoWriMo I would already be past 50k well before – as those who have been following my posts this year know.

And I didn’t realise that my previous post was actually my 400th! A neat number 🙂 This is the 401st one.

Back to the novel I’m writing, it’s actually a project I’ve challenged myself to complete before going to university in July, and being on the 50k words line, I’m halfway through! Wasn’t sure if I should write ‘only’ or ‘already’ 😉 I just feel that the story will evolve till past 100k words!

It’s urban fantasy, an idea, complex and continuously expanding, which was planted into my brain since I was 13 but which only became a story in 2012 for Camp NaNoWriMo in August and which I’ve been writing and re-writing since, never coming up with a completed story. Until now. Now I feel ready to finish that 3rd attempted first draft of this novel! I’m determined 🙂

If any of you want to know what this obsessive novel-in-progress of mine is basically all about, you can check out this short story I made based on it, for the Create A World Writing Contest by The Dark Globe which I actually won: CLICK HERE!

Anyway, thinking of novels… I made a book haul recently on my YouTube channel! Here it is:


Tell me anything in the comments! About writing, reading… whatever! Let’s chat 🙂

An Evil Nymph.

It’s Never Too Late… For A Selfie!

It’s never too late for a new blog post either!

For those of you who love to participate in the Weekly Photo Challenge as much as I do you may notice how the title relates to the fact that I haven’t been blogging for two weeks but I really want to remedy to that by still giving a shot at one of the challenges I missed which was ‘Selfie’.

1st take:

selfie with Teddy

You can actually find this photo on my Instagram. Follow me @dkwaye !

Continue reading “It’s Never Too Late… For A Selfie!”

The Blogger’s Block

You’ve heard about the writer’s block, the artist’s. Well, here I’m going to talk to you about the blogger’s. Because, yes, bloggers can have this sudden drain of inspiration for new posts and thus are unable to go further into their blogging journey.

And I think that’s exactly what’s been hitting me these last few days.

flower bush


(Here’s a random photo I took recently to make this post more colourful hehe)

Sometimes we just get caught up with other things as life gets in the way…

Continue reading “The Blogger’s Block”

Christmas Presents In Advance | Edition 2013

I remembered I made a similar post back in 2011 when I received my first and only Android phone, the Samsung Galaxy SII, in addition to a wonderful book of course.

Well this year, I also decided to get myself something tech-y as well as books and since I got my gifts way before Christmas (i.e. for more than a week)… today’s post is born!

But first, for the sake of the Christmas and holiday spirit, I’d like to share with you an event a group of YouTubers, including me, are doing to help other YouTubers, as during the holiday season we want to Do Good 🙂

Here it is:

Hope you have some spare time to watch it! If not, without further ado, here are my 2013 Christmas presents!

Continue reading “Christmas Presents In Advance | Edition 2013”

A 100 Thank You’s!

This is to tell you that… I reached a 100 subscribers on my YouTube vlogging channel!!! 😀 


I know it may not seem much to many people but for me it is a great deal. I’m really touched that a 100 of you have decided to stay by my side on my video blogging journey. And I hope to see more of you as I continue on my adventure!

And such a coincidence: I just did my channel trailer, which officially describes my channel… as a channel!

Here it is:

So… any comments? 🙂

Have a great weekend!

An Evil Nymph.

Getting Myself… Nerdy Holidays!

I don’t know why many people think ‘nerd’ to be pejorative.

So my exams are finally over! And my long long holidays, until I go to university next year in September probably, have just begun!

And what I’ve learnt during those seven years in college… is to be myself.

Which reminds me how sometimes people would call me ‘nerd’ to taunt me… but I would only be pleased, as for me being a nerd is awesome! How can reading books and getting obsessed over Game of Thrones NOT be awesome?? 😉

Thus, here’s how I’m going to spend my ‘nerdy’ holidays… at least for the time being!

1. Catch up on reading the Game of Thrones series! (I’m currently at ‘A Storm of Swords 2’!)

a storm of swords 2

Continue reading “Getting Myself… Nerdy Holidays!”

A Bunny Rant About Google+ & YouTube “Just Married”

*I was thinking about vlogging about this because it is mainly on the changes YouTube has been undergoing lately, but I’m still in exams and blogging about it is much easier and less time consuming. With that said…*

bunny-(8)When I first integrated myself in the YouTube community it was for the sole purpose of watching piano tutorials and covers of my favourite songs because at that time I was self-teaching myself how to play the piano. It was in 2009. I was only 13-14 years old then. Afterwards, after one year, I started making video montages with my favourite TV series at that time: Merlin, and as most of you know my vidding channel was born.

I remember how at that time my YouTube channel was so customizable with the transparency option especially, with which I could thankfully put up a favourite wallpaper of mine to serve as my channel’s background image. I remember how a YouTube channel back then was like a… profile page, with friends as well as subscribers and channel groups and more.

But YouTube’s format gradually changed as the years passed… until we came to the current channel format: less customizable, more professional, which led to a kind of a division between the content creators and the viewers… when in truth we are all equal, and creators are viewers as well as vice versa.

Continue reading “A Bunny Rant About Google+ & YouTube “Just Married””